Cracker Barrel Is Actually Quite Hokey (in my opinion)

Hokey, Cracker Barrel-style.

Hokey, Cracker Barrel-style.

When I saw the following tweet yesterday afternoon in my Twitter feed from The Atlantic about Cracker Barrel, I was incredulous;

The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic). ” Why Cracker Barrel Isn’t as Hokey as You Think.” 2 March 2013, 4:30 p.m. Tweet.

My first thought was that things have gotten so bad for long-form narrative journalism that The Atlantic had decided to try to siphon off readers from The Onion. Then I clicked on the article link and realized that the writer, Emily Chertoff, was serious as a heart attack about extolling the virtues of Cracker Barrel, or as I now call it (based on my own experience that I’ll detail below), “a Crack in my Ass.” Continue reading

Getting your Facebook on


Feel the Facebook

Facebook’s stock is set to begin trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market today at 11 a.m. EST. This is one day after the world’s definitive online social network raised $16 billion in an initial public offering that valued the company at $104 billion. Facebook’s value is more than and other well-known companies such as Kraft, Walt Disney and McDonald’s.

If you are a stock investor, you might want to pick up a few shares at its opening price of $38. Continue reading