Posting Time Again

It just occurred to me that it’s Tuesday and I’m supposed to have a post up—well, in a technical sense, I still have slightly less than six hours to get it up before Tuesday’s done gone.

In some ways, Sunday’s food review/post about Slab was really my Tuesday post, two days early. But, just in case somebody’s keeping score, I’m staying true to my Tuesday/Friday posting schedule.

I’ve actually been chasing a story since late last week that’s due to hit the streets on Friday. It’s got some investigative elements, and it’s one I’m feeling really good about, getting it sourced and written, and turned in on a tight deadline. I also appreciate a new editor who took a chance that I could deliver it. More details to follow on that one.

Have you been following what’s going on in #Ferguson, Missouri? Since I’m a privileged, white male, I’m going to defer on the sermons and the need to assuage my liberal, white guilt about racism in America in 2014. Oh, it’s alive and well, trust me—it’s just that I’m able, because of the color of my skin, to remain free of the indignities that people of color continue to face. Let me, however, direct you to someone who I think is qualified to talk, tweet, and blog about race in America, and she lives right here in the great state of Maine, the white bread capital of the US. Let me introduce you to, Black Girl in Maine. And yes, there are black people in Maine!

Support your local po-lice!

Support your local po-lice!

Actually, Black Girl in Maine is Shay Stewart-Bouley, and we both write for the Portland Phoenix—me occasionally, and Stewart-Bouley, since 2008 (I think?), with her monthly column in one of Maine’s last venues where you can publish investigative journalism, and something more than business advertorials.

I’ll close with this.

Last year at this time, I was recovering from my bike crash, and a punctured lung. One year later, I’m less than one week away from my first Olympic-length triathlon, Sunday, at OOB. I’ll be swimming 0.9 miles, biking 25, and running 6.2. My best friend, life’s partner in crime, and chief motivator, Mary Baumer, will be topping that—she’s doing the half-Ironman; 1.2 miles, biking 56, and running 13.1 miles. She’s amazing!