Can I Get an Amen? Rock and Roll Church Update

My time in the pool during my twice-weekly swims are very productive. Not only are they good for me, physically—they are also where I work through ideas—like how to make the most of the idea for what I’ve been referring to as “Rock and Roll Church” each Sunday.

Sunday morning at the First Congregational Bunker Rock Church of Lo-Fi Salvation

I admit, week one was one bumpy ride. My live stream went down, and there were a host of other issues. My main beta testers were patient. One so-called friend I asked basically walked away from our friendship with a two-line email. Oh well. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass. It’s too bad you can’t read, or have an ounce of patience and compassion. But looking back on whatever we had—friendship would be too generous for me—you’ve always missed basic queues (and not just with me).

But hey, it’s another week and another chance to come to the alter of rock and roll and party like it’s 1999, or so sang the purple one, Prince.

I’ve got it figured out. Live streaming isn’t necessary. No! We can all gather on Sunday morning and at least for the Sunday services from the First Congregational Bunker Rock Church of Lo-Fi Salvation, I can pre-record them and that way, no streaming messes to clean up or fix. Better than that for you, dear worship participant: you are not locked-in to Sunday mornings. I know you’re busy cleaning the tiles in your shower and with other important things like organizing your sock drawer.

I’ll embargo the videos until 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Then, they’ll be there for you to watch at your leisure, when you aren’t so strapped for time. I think I’ll split the service into three videos. Music pre-sermon, then the sermon from Rev. Jimi, and then, post-sermon, more music from JimBaumerMe. That seems to make sense to me.

Then, there are the logistics of weekly services and the prep that goes into making them mildly entertaining (or irritating, depending on your perspective). I think I’m going to do the Sunday services twice a month. Then, on the weeks when there is no Sunday morning Rock and Roll Church, let’s gather together on Thursday nights at 7:00 for an Unplugged Prayer Service. That one will be live-streamed, with JimBaumerMe strumming along on his acoustic.

Here is the schedule I’ve mapped out for March and April. We’ll see how things go. I know in May, open mics are opening up. Perhaps by then, I’ll be gigging so much, we won’t need to gather on Sundays, or maybe we do these once a month instead.

But for now, plan for the following over the next seven week:

Sunday Morning Rock and Roll Church

March 7

March 21

April 4

April 18

Unplugged Prayer Service (Thursday nights)

March 18

April 1

April 16

April 30

To the Bunker, Earthlings!