Dirty Little Secret

For as long as Miss Mary and I have been married (32 years this summer!!), we’ve had a television-based guilty pleasure. Actually, we didn’t have a Tee Vee for our first four years of marriage.

Once we got one, we usually found a television drama that captured our attention once a week, often for several seasons. A few of the past ones were St. Elsewhere, Thirty Something, Homicide: Life on the Street, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, and The Wire.

Currently, we’re enjoying the trials and tribulations of the Bravermans and Parenthood. The show has a really diverse cast of characters. One element of the show involves The Luncheonette, a historic recording studio that’s fallen into disrepair until brothers Adam and Crosby Braverman partner up and begin bringing it back to its former glory.

Season 5 has introduced a band into the mix called Ashes of Rome, fronted by the enigmatic and often difficult, Oliver Rome. Rome is actually Tyson Ritter, front man for the real-life band, The All-American Rejects.

I love their song “Dirty Little Secret.” The video is equally arresting.

What’s your dirty little secret?