4 thoughts on “Marathon Monday

  1. Great work. Jim. Most forget the suppprt stuff! Had only one friend running…who gave it up when he got too wet!

  2. @Bryant It was a cold and rainy day. I read somewhere that elite runners actually perform best when the temps are 39 degrees (instead of warmer temperatures). I’m guessing that for the majority of those running yesterday, the cold affected them.

    I felt bad for the large contingent of runners that take much longer than 4-5 hours to complete the 26 miles.

    It was a blast, especially having such an up close and personal view of so many great runners. It’s a spectacle for sure seeing a wave of humanity making their way to your water/Gatorade station. At one point, we could barely keep up with the runners passing by. Once the runners started coming around 10:00, it didn’t really slow down until after about 2:30.

  3. HI Jim

    SO Great that you and Mary were up close and personal with this truly great collection of world class athletes celebrating life with all its challenges, shapes and wonder ! ! Thanks for taking the time and energy to participate as volunteers – I understand what you mean by being a little stiff and sore ! ! It takes a different kind of energy to volunteer than to be a runner – Thanks too for the pics and your perceptions of the day ! !

    Rosie Hartzler

  4. Loved reading about the race from the perspective of a volunteer. And thanks for the “shout out,” as my fifth graders would say. I did meet my goal (sub 3), but it wasn’t a PR. Considering the tough conditions, however, I was pleased. Thanks a MILLION for volunteering to work a station… Without you and all the other volunteers, this marathon would not be the race that it is. I’ll be running again next year, so perhaps we’ll meet again at the Keurig machine???

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