A New Way of Labor

Labor Day weekend has come and gone.  While many are returning to work Tuesday morning, I’m actually trying to find a few days of respite from the freelance treadmill of the past few months.

The ongoing narrative in some corners is that the world of work is changing. I know that’s true, but it still seems like–at least from my perspective–that most people I know in Maine still work structured hours, often 9 to 5, with available paid vacation time, at least enough to spend long weekends away from their work whenever there is a national holiday, like yesterday’s. Inevitably, they turn these into three, or four-day weekends away from the office.

Vacation Day

Vacation Day

This morning, it feels like everyone that I was trying to connect with last week for an article I was working on with a looming deadline, are now calling or emailing me.

As Daniel Pink indicated, “Free agents are people who are working untethered from a large organization. This includes freelancers (like myself), e-lancers, self-employed professionals and proprietors of very small businesses.”

Our hours are rarely ever, 8 or 9 to 5, but often, 3:30 AM to 6:00, and then, working a Saturday on an article due on Monday, like the one I just turned in.

Many of us are people that at one time worked for a larger organization, and have either been “cast aside,” or we have chosen to set out down the road of making our own way.

I’m making like a tourist today and probably tomorrow. Thursday, my wife and are forced back to the world of our work by necessity, after a three-day respite.

Finding a Space to Unwind.

Finding a Space to Unwind.