Mowing, thinking, tweeting, blogging

The Toro 22″ Recycler–a lawn-mowing machine.

Mowing my lawn allows me two hours of uninterrupted thinking time. Often, I’ve developed and framed ideas that eventually became blog posts, like this one.

Yesterday afternoon, with the late afternoon fall shadows casting and covering most of my two-acre lawn, I was contemplating Twitter (of all things) while pushing and cajoling my Toro 22” Recycler around my grassy knoll. I was also hoping that this would be one of the last times I have to do this ‘til the spring, especially anticipating the forecasted, first hard frost that evening. Mainly, I was pondering why Twitter still seems so unfathomable for people that consider themselves social media savvy, mainly because they maintain a Facebook page. Continue reading

Creating content for conventions

Being at a conference like the Maine Human Resources Convention 2012 compels me to put up conference-centric content on my blog. While not everyone is a blogger, I find that each time I make the effort to represent even a small fraction of all that’s going on here at The Samoset during my stay will result in a return on my blogging investment in new followers, as well as increased traffic to my new website/blog. I also enjoy creating a personal snapshot; another benefit personally is that it also provides a vehicle for me to process everything happening around me. Continue reading

Becoming HR

After an exciting book launch weekend, the JBE is off to the Samoset in Rockport for a whirlwind two days at this year’s Maine HR Convention, aka #MEHRC2012 (that’s Twitterspeak). Well, at least that’s the #hashtag that those of us on Twitter came up with based upon past conventions.

The Maine HR Convention is an interesting gathering. This year, more than 800+ HR professionals and ancillary attendees gather for four days of HR-related banter, workshops, and my favorite—A-list speakers. I also appreciate the networking opportunities my two days will afford me. Continue reading