The Best Kind of Partner

Heading out for the Pirate Tri, 2013.

Heading out for the Pirate Tri, 2013.

On Sunday, I completed my first sprint triathlon. I’ve waited five decades to literally “take the plunge” and make this happen.

My wife, Mary, competed in her very first tri in 2010. Her coming out event was also the Pirate Tri, at Point Sebego Resort. I was a spectator at that one.

For the past few years, I’ve wanted to join her, but I considered the swim portion more than I could handle. I didn’t believe that something that I have never been very good at, could be brought up to a level where I could complete a 1/3rd mile swim, followed by a vigorous 15-mile bike ride, and ending with a 5k run. Continue reading

Night Swimming

Swimming is a new experience for the JBE.

Swimming is a new experience for the JBE.

When I first dipped a tentative toe into the South Portland Municipal Pool on February 14, I wasn’t expecting much. Actually, I figured that things would go so poorly that I’d have an excuse to quit, although I’m not really given to quitting since I became the JBE, free agent superhero.

That first experience didn’t get off to a great start at all. Continue reading

Working scientifically

In America, work is often who we are. Some might take issue with this. By-and-large, we are what we do. If you think something different, ask yourself why, when attending parties or the requisite networking after hours some of us are subjected to, why the line of first questioning always settles on, “What do you do for work?”

Our current cultural norm places a positive moral value on doing a good job. This is rooted  in the Protestant Reformation, which made physical labor acceptable for all persons, even the wealthy. Prior to the 16th century, working hard (in the absences of compulsion) was not the norm for Hebrew, classical, or medieval cultures. Continue reading

Leaving it up to others

Yesterday, I spent time networking and reconnecting with old friends, new friends, and others, at the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce’s Business to Business Showcase. As usual, Kim Lindlof and her team put together a well-organized and worthwhile event.

I’ve been attending these annual business networking soirees since 2007, just after I began working for the Central/Western Maine Workforce Investment Board. What I’ve always enjoyed about them and why they provide value for the businesses, organizations and others that attend, is that they gather together key people from the community that you need to know if you are going to be working Waterville.

My role at the Showcase was a bit different this year.  I’m now operating in a diminished capacity with my employer of nearly six years, after having my hours reduced from 40 to 20. Knowing about the Showcase now for a few weeks, I timed my “soft” launch of my website for the JBE to coincide with the event, knowing I’d have a chance to network, talk a bit about the situation with the LWIB, but more important, I had my new business cards with me, and I had a chance to work the room for the JBE, articulating what I’m about and what I’m able to provide, and a little bit about my personal brand. Continue reading

Better than mediocre

Self-improvement is hard work. It’s so much easier to just let things slide. Whether it’s doing something about your weight, writing a book (instead of talking about it), building a better widget, or developing a topnotch company culture or world-class organization, striving for better rather than mediocre puts you in a small, increasingly rare group of people.

We all like to point fingers at others, criticizing their lack of vision, ability to balance budgets, or throw a baseball. It’s much easier to identify the short-comings of others. Our own face in the mirror gets a free pass more than it should.

Back in 2009, June 23 to be exact, my weight was at its apex. I knew it was time to institute a strategy. Know what it was? Eat less, exercise more. No fancy diets or bizarre combination of foods. I tried to cut 500-1,000 calories from my daily intake, tracking it via a nice free online tool called FitDay. I also joined a gym and began regularly leaving the house at 4:30 to get a workout in before my workday duties made getting away impossible. You make room for what’s important in life and this had become a priority. Continue reading

The JBE–it’s about embracing change

This is a brand new blog. What makes this blog different is that I tackled WordPress on my own and set up my very own CMS/website without relying on other people. That’s all part of the DIY theme that pervades the JBE.

I’ve been blogging since 2002 via a variety of different blogging platforms. I’ve done Greymatter, Blogger (now owned by Google), tried TypePad (didn’t like it) and attempted WordPress back in 2008 only to leave that site to decay. I’m back for a second try.

If the 21st century world of work and workforce is about anything, it’s learning new things, constantly upgrading your skills, and embracing the technological onslaught that overwhelms many–even professionals and government leaders.