Putting the Hammer Down

In the midst of ‘Crona, I’m shaping my own reality. Safe beyond the pitchfork-waving sheeple and their chants of “Orange Man is bad,” and “Put on a damn mask,” I’m sitting in my basement with guitar in-hand, offering some songs (and a few screeds).

I’m not sure why, but the name “Joel Plaskett’ went rattling around my synapses yesterday. Not familiar with this Canadian music treasure? Why am I not surprised.

This week, I decided I’m done offering explanations to anyone. Why the fuck do I need to justify anything I do? If you are in my very small tribe, you get me. If you aren’t, then turn the channel and find someone else to watch.

This song by Plaskett really lit a fire for me. Maybe it’s the sense of nostalgia of looking back to the carefree days of high school. At least when I was in high school, we were free from pandemics and the ubiquity of social media trucking in fear-fogging and hysteria. Those were better days for sure. We might have been drunk off our asses, but we also learned a couple of things that I’m not sure today’s Zoom-infused kids will ever know. Then again, a good many of the people that I got closer to six feet of back in the late 1970s seem to have shit for brains. A few of our teachers seem brain-addled too. Oh well.

Here are two Plaskett vids. The first one is just classic “take me back to the good ole’ days.” We all had our own version of “Johnny Hook-Me-Up.” The second is another one that gets my motor revving, too.

But then again, my tastes probably aren’t for everyone.