A Flag is Just a Flag

Painted-on flag; Georgetown, Maine.

Painted-on flag; Georgetown, Maine.

Flags come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Flags are imbued with symbolism and meaning, too.

Some people fly their chosen flags. Flags can be objects of veneration, instilling in some nationalistic fervor.

I’m not really much for flags, although flags painted on rocks are kind of cool.

Happy July 4th!

Hey Baby, It’s the 4th of July

The flag

Today is the 4th of July. It’s a Thursday, normally a work day, but there is no work today for the JBE, mainly by choice. Given that tomorrow is Friday, I imagine many people will extend the holiday and make it the summer’s first long weekend.

Viewed as a day to detach from the 24/7 nature of the 21st century workplace, I’ll enjoy today. I’ll spend it with some family and extended family, near a nice body of water, and there’ll be good food, some drink, and we’ll enjoy one another’s company. Continue reading