We are officially into 2016. It’s also that six-week block on the calendar when resolutions are both foremost and in danger of extinction.
How would you like to be extraordinary this year? Let’s start by looking at some definitions of the word.
Extraordinary (adjective):
- beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established: extraordinary costs.
- exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy; remarkable:
Last Friday—officially, “New Year’s Day,” Mary and I participated in our first Lobster Dip. Basically, it was a dash across a portion of beach, running into the surf and then, plunging into ice-cold ocean water guaranteed to numb you from head-to-toe. It was also friggin’ exhilarating!
Miss Mary; keeping warm pre-dip.
Life is short. Why spend so much of it muddling along with the mundane?
My wife is exceptional (and extraordinary). It’s only taken me about 35 years to truly understand her qualities (I’m a slow-learner). Continue reading